Tucson Gem Show, Gem, Minerals, Tucson, The US, Fluorite, Yao Gang Xian, Mineral show, exhibition

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2024 Tucson Gem Show Highlights Sharing | The Annual Gala for Minerals and Gems

An in-depth guide for Tucson Gem Show, letting you get an easy start on your first visit

The 2024 Tucson Gem Show was held from January to February this year. 🎉 At the same time, it is also a big step for AnD! We participated as a brand exhibitor in the main exhibition of 2/8-2/11 this year, and brought with us the carefully selected Yao Gang Xian collections and boutiques, which became the biggest achievement in the four years since our brand was founded 🥹


Last year we shared an in-depth guide for the US Tucson Gem Show, from the origin of the exhibition, pre-trip preparation, food and clothing, to the details of the exhibition area, full of our invaluable insights! If you are eager to learn more about this world's largest mineral and gem show, it could be a must-read!

👉 Get an easy start on your first US Tucson Mineral and Gem Show. A complete guide advances you quickly in the world of mineral specimens


2024 Tucson Show Highlights and Experience Sharing

Thinking about the haze of the Ukrainian-Russian war, the shortage of raw materials and labor force after the epidemic, and global inflation with rising prices...


Due to the overall environment, although the prices of mineral specimens have been rising every year, we observed a considerable rise during the exhibition with fewer new varieties on display. Nonetheless, we still found a lot of exquisite mineral specimens that stole our hearts and couldn't wait to share them with you all!

▲ 剛果,菱鋅礦

▲ Congo, Smithsonite

▲  Brazil, Pink Quartz with Smoky Quartz

▲ 美國,螢石共生方解石

▲ The United States, Fluorite with Calcite

▲ 墨西哥,鉬鉛礦,很像鬆軟的海綿蛋糕撒上焦糖脆片,讓人想咬上一口 🍰

▲ Mexico, Wulfenite, so much like a soft sponge cake sprinkled with caramel chips, letting us want to have a bite 🍰

▲ 摩洛哥,鈷華鐵砷石共生,粉色的針狀鈷華絕對是點睛之筆!

 Morocco, Erythrite with Karibibite, the pink acicular erythrite is definitely the finishing touch!

▲ 秘魯,薔薇輝石共生石英

▲ Peru, Rhodonite with Quartz

▲ 烏拉圭,紫水晶共生方解石,不知道有沒有人也看到了美味的蟹腳 XD

▲ Uruguay, Amethyst with Calcite, see if anyone else has also seen the delicious crab feet 🦀

▲ 美國螢石

▲ The United States, Fluorite



2024 is a very important year for us. It is the first time that we stepped on the international stage, and it also makes us full of confidence and expectation for the future of our brand! In the days to come, let me use the most professional vision to show you around the world of minerals~


Further ReadingUS Tucson Minerals and Gems Show | Did the epidemic also affect the crystal industry? International mineral exchanges in the post-epidemic era


AnD Crystals|https://www.instagram.com/and_crystals_twn/

AnD Handmade|https://www.instagram.com/and_handmade_twn/

More about AnD|https://linktr.ee/and_crystals_twn